How Thriftago works...

Choose items to borrow

Toys, Walkers, Play Mats, Games and more

Keep as long as you like

Total flexibility on your terms

Swap and go again!

Return unwanted items and choose new ones

Why use Thriftago...

More for your money, lots more!

Borrow items worth up to 4 times the value of your subscription.

Declutter your home

Say goodbye to unwanted, unloved and underused items.

Save the planet

When you swap not shop, you save unwanted items going to landfill.

1,000's of items to choose from

Choose from thousands of popular must have items.

Safe and secure

All items meet UK and European safety standards [UKCA & CE]

Its sooo easy!

Swapping items is simple and easy, we do the work for you.

Thriftago Subscription Plans

Choose a plan that suits your budget and the total value of toys you wish to borrow.

*Save 20% by paying annually

About Thriftago Tokens

What is a Thriftago Token?

A Thriftago Token equals £1 in retail value. Items listed in the Thriftago store are valued at retail price. This means an item that costs £20.00 to buy retail, can be borrowed in exchange for 20 x Thriftago tokens. Use your Thriftago token balance to shop and swop items in the Thriftago store.

How do Thriftago Tokens work?

A Thriftago subscription gives you a set number of Tokens to spend in the Thriftago store. Use your tokens to order any of the thousands of items in the Thriftago store. When you send the items back, you get all your tokens back. You can then order again, and again!

Frequently asked questions

Are items clean and safe?

All items are cleaned and sterilised at our facility before being shipped.

We only stock items that meet UKCA (UK) and CE (European) standards.

All items are inspected, cleaned and sealed in Thriftago packaging by our quality control team prior to shipping to you.

What happens if I damage or loose an item?

We operate a fair use wear and tear policy. If an item is damaged or lost, let us know. You may have to pay for a replacement or have take the option to keep the item.

Can I cancel my subscription

You can cancel a monthly subscription at any time. Annual plans can only be cancelled 30 days prior to renewal.

Can I change my subscription?

You can upgrade or downgrade a monthly subscription at any time.

Annual plans can be upgraded at any time but cannot be downgraded.

Who pays for shipping?
